Saint Mary of the Woods
Catholic Church
Russells Point, Ohio
"Following in the footsteps of Our Lady,
we will welcome and adore the abiding presence
of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,
and bring Him with joy to those we encounter."
Notice: Due to Father Landenwitch being on sabbatical, there will be no Wednesday Masses during the month of February.
Communion Rail Q&A
The following Q&A is meant to help us understand the devotional and theological reasons behind the Communion rail, and to answer some practical questions.
When receiving Communion, must everyone kneel at the Communion rail?​​
No. The U.S. bishops decided the norm in the U.S. in recent decades is to receive standing, but the Congregation of Divine Worship is clear that individuals have the right to receive kneeling. The universal practice of kneeling was standard for many centuries before the current practice. Anyone receiving communion is welcome to adopt the posture they prefer.
Why does St. Mary of the Woods use a Communion rail?​
There has been a revival in the Church regarding Eucharistic devotion. As many Catholics rediscover the traditions of the Church, more and more of the faithful prefer to receive kneeling. We see this growing trend in our own parish. Some parishioners would like to kneel, but would have a hard time getting back up without a Communion rail. In addition to allowing Communion to proceed reverently, there is also the potential of great spiritual benefits. Instead of people being ‘in motion’ as they walk through Communion lines, parishioners get a few moments to pause before and after Communion as they kneel or stand by the rail. This enables them to cherish the moment and open themselves to grace in a way that is difficult to do when walking through a normal Communion line.
​Are communion rails barriers between the people and God?​​​
No. Communion rails were never intended to be barriers to prevent access to God. This is a false idea that, while circulated by some, has no basis in any Catholic teaching, belief or practice. Communion rails are sacred places where people are nourished by the Bread from Heaven. That is why they were designed with great beauty and care. The architectural style of Communion rails was often similar to the altar, because they were seen as extending from the altar: the Eucharist is consecrated on the altar, and then received at the rail. Heaven and earth meet at the Communion rail; it is a place of Communion, not a barrier.
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Saint Mary of the Woods Church
Pastoral Staff

Rev. Shawn Landenwitch, Pastor
Email: fatherLandenwitch@gmail.com

Rev. Jarred Kohn, Parochial Vicar
Email: jkohn@catholicaoc.org
Office Staff
Amy Bihn, Office Manager
Email: abihn.mqa@gmail.com
Katie McCabe, Music Director
Email: ktmccabe@hotmail.com
Judy Wells, Organist
Lee McCarty, Head Sacristan
Joe Rizzo, Maintenance/Custodial
​Connie Wheeler, Assistant Custodial
Tracy McHugh, Bulletin
Email: tmchugh316@gmail.com
Ashley Roberts, Director of Religious Education
Email: ashleyroberts.dre@gmail.com
Parish Email: abihn.mqa@gmail.com
Phone: 937-843-3127
Saint Mary of the Woods Church
464 Madison Avenue, PO Box 329
Russells Point, OH 43348
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