In the recent parish surveys, we received feedback that parents aren't able to use the cry room at St. Patrick because the doors to the church are
kept open and the seats are often occupied.
Beginning the weekend of November 9/10, we will have new signs displayed on the west side of the cry room (in front of the Divine Mercy image) to reserve that area for parents with small children. Ushers are instructed to close the doors between the cry room and the church at the beginning of Mass and to open them again during communion.
I thank our parishioners in advance for being respectful in reserving seats in the west side of the cry room for parents who need them. We are blessed to have a lot of young children in the parish, and we want our parents to have a place they can go in the church if their child is having a rough day!
In Christ,
Father Shawn Landenwitch, Pastor